Hvo Enterprise Agreement

As a copywriting AI language model, I do not have personal experiences and opinions. However, I can provide you with an article on “HVO enterprise agreement” based on the information available on the web.

The HVO enterprise agreement is an agreement between the Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) coal mine and the workers represented by the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining, and Energy Union (CFMMEU). The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for workers at the HVO mine, including pay rates, working hours, and leave entitlements.

The HVO mine is located in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the largest coal mines in the world, producing up to 17 million tonnes of coal per year. The mine employs around 1,800 people, including miners, electricians, fitters, and other skilled workers.

The HVO enterprise agreement was negotiated between the CFMMEU and HVO management in 2018. The agreement was approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) in December of that year and came into effect on 1 January 2019. The agreement covers a variety of employment conditions, including:

– Pay rates: The agreement sets out the pay rates for HVO workers, including base rates, overtime rates, and allowances for working in hazardous conditions or carrying out specialized tasks.

– Working hours: The agreement specifies the hours of work for HVO employees, including standard working hours, shift work, and rosters.

– Leave entitlements: The agreement outlines the entitlements for annual leave, personal/carer`s leave, long service leave, and other forms of leave.

– Health and safety: The agreement includes provisions for health and safety at the HVO mine, including training and equipment.

– Dispute resolution: The agreement sets out procedures for resolving disputes between HVO workers and management.

The HVO enterprise agreement is a significant document for the workers at the HVO mine and the wider mining industry in Australia. It demonstrates the importance of collective bargaining and the role of unions in protecting workers` rights and securing fair pay and conditions. The agreement also highlights the need for ongoing investment in workplace health and safety to ensure that workers are protected from harm and can return home safely to their families every day.

In conclusion, the HVO enterprise agreement is an important agreement between the HVO mine and its workers. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment for HVO employees, including pay rates, working hours, and leave entitlements. The agreement is a testament to the importance of collective bargaining and the role of unions in protecting workers` rights and securing fair pay and conditions.

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