Sight Agreement Definition

Sight Agreement Definition: Understanding the Basics

In the world of contracts and legal agreements, there are many terms and phrases that may not be familiar to the average person. One such term is “sight agreement.” This article aims to provide an overview of what a sight agreement is, when it is used, and why it is important.

What is a sight agreement?

A sight agreement, also known as a “sight draft”, is a type of bill of exchange. It is a legal document outlining the terms of a transaction between two parties, with the transaction settling upon presentation of the draft to the buyer or payer. This means that the seller or payee will receive payment immediately upon presentation of the sight draft, provided that the terms and conditions of the transaction are met.

When is a sight agreement used?

Sight agreements are used in many different types of transactions, including international trade deals and other commercial agreements. In these cases, the parties may not know each other well or may not have a high level of trust. The use of a sight agreement ensures that the seller or payee will receive payment as soon as the buyer or payer sees that the goods or services have been delivered.

Why is a sight agreement important?

The primary benefit of a sight agreement is that it reduces the risk of non-payment. With a sight agreement in place, the seller or payee can be confident that they will receive payment as soon as the buyer or payer is satisfied that the transaction has been completed. This provides an added level of security for both parties and helps to encourage fair and transparent business dealings.

In addition to reducing the risk of non-payment, sight agreements can also help to streamline the transaction process. Since the payment is made immediately upon presentation of the sight draft, there is no need for the parties to negotiate or haggle over payment terms. This can help to save time and resources, allowing the parties to focus on other aspects of the transaction.


In summary, a sight agreement is a legal document used in many different types of transactions, including international trade deals. It provides added security for both parties by ensuring that the seller or payee will receive payment as soon as the buyer or payer is satisfied that the transaction has been completed. While it may not be a term that is familiar to everyone, understanding the basics of sight agreements can help to facilitate fair and transparent business dealings.

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