
T R I BUT E BY ROCKV I L L E I N T E RNAT I ONA L WOR S H I P C EN T E R 2 Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them. Rev 14:13 We are gathered here today to honor and pay our last respect to a great and famous man, a dear soul who has been a source of blessing, encouragement, comfort, support to many lives and a great pillar in the household of God. Elder Robert was a valued council member of Rockville Church and his immense contributions to the entire Church cannot be overstated. He was tireless in his service for Our Lord Jesus Christ and even in the face of serious health challenges he did not waver in his service to our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church. He was a beacon of light whose warmth and kindness radiated through every interaction. His unwavering devotion to God and his commitment to serving others set an example that inspired us all. In his actions and words, they embodied the very essence of Christ’s teachings. Elder Robert Gyasi selflessly dedicated his time and talents to guide and nurture the spiritual growth of our congregation. His wisdom, gentle demeanor and genuine interest in others made him approachable and beloved by all, regardless of age or background. Beyond his spiritual guidance, Elder Robert Gyasi was an embodiment of Christ’s compassion. He tirelessly worked to alleviate the suffering of those in need, extending a helping hand to the needy and forgotten. His acts of service knew no bounds, as he humbly gave of himself to provide food, shelter, and comfort to those who had lost hope. Today, as we mourn the loss of Presiding Elder Robert Gyasi, let us also celebrate the extraordinary life he lived. His legacy of faith, love, and compassion will continue to inspire and guide us on our own spiritual journeys. We honor his memory by embracing the values he embodied and carrying forward the torch of faith that he so passionately held. Elder Gyasi, we know you have found eternal rest in the bosom of Our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. May God grant abundant grace to those you have left behind that they will carry on with the good work until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 1979 ROBERT GYASI 2023 28 In Loving Memory