
Robert ’s Entry
Mr. Robert Kwaku Essuman Gyasi was born on 8th August, 1979, at Darkuman Official Town, Accra to John Kwabena Gyasi and Joyce Gyasi, both of blessed memory.
He was the third child of the marriage between his parents.

His primary education started in 1990 at the Tema Community 4 Primary School. He continued at SDA Primary School, where he wrote and passed his Junior Secondary School where he wrote B.E.C.E.

Working Life
Mr. Robert Gyasi started his working life as a forklift operator and then later became self-employed in the oil industry.

His work ethic was unparalleled. He approached every task with dedication, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Whether it was in his career or personal pursuits, he consistently went above and beyond, setting an example for those who worked alongside him. Through his diligence, he achieved great success, proving that hard work truly pays off.

As a director of the company, Mr. Robert used his experience to help in the growth of the company, becoming a business gateway for other jobless youth.

His Faith
Mr. Robert Gyasi was a devout Christian at Rockville International Worship Center. One thing that remains irrefutable is that Mr. Robert Gyasi was very resilient, a disciplinarian, a great helper, and a man of strong faith.

With an infectious sense of humor, Robert had an uncanny ability to find laughter even in the darkest of moments. His witty remarks and jovial nature brightened the lives of those around him. He understood that laughter could heal, unite, and provide solace during difficult times. Robert brought smiles to countless faces and taught others the importance of finding joy in life’s simplest pleasures.

The Family man
He was very involved in the affairs of the Gyasi family and was always ready to assist in every way. The family will always remember him for the love and compassion he showed them.

Above all, Robert cherished his family. He understood the importance of strong familial bonds and made it a priority to create a nurturing and loving home environment. He supported his loved ones unconditionally and served as a pillar of strength during both joyful and difficult times. His devotion to his family was evident in the memories they created together and the enduring love they shared.

Mr. Robert left behind a wife, to whom he was married for 15 years, and Four (4) children.

Robert Gyasi
Rest in peace
Robert Gyasi
Da yie

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